Friday, May 23, 2008
04!!! whats the next theme for term 3? its been a wonderful bimbotic term 2. haha Anyway, must remember to study hard for common test hor. Dont go for 3 year course like me although i dont regret being in j1 again cos i get to know all of you. haha. you might not be as lucky as me. so yeah, study hard and stay together. haha. 04 get it...
11:33 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
aiman: the caveman. proof that language existed in his era. make his own canoe using three trunks and canoe with the dinosaurs.
deva: evil dowager. origin of the bimbotic genes. bow to her.
jia ni: ancestor from china. got a sulken orange face. found karen (and maybe patrick) in the black market.
karen: one of the ancestors. very quiet. speaks at a decibel of 0. likes to hit her emo daughter.
patrick: brother of karen. may be related to patrick star since they have the same first name. looks easy to bully too.
xiao xin: a small star that fell from the sky into the black market and got picked up by karen. the reason for fall is currently due to lack of gravitational force. sister to an emo girl.
eugene: rich drunkard who can be found gambling in the black market. dont like to talk but like to slap himself when unnoticed. always has a handphone on hand. married to ling.
ling: emo. married to eugene.
matthew: eldest son of eugene and ling. thus, all the dumb genes went to him. no other genes found, except the dumb ones. unexpectedly good at snapjack though. married to dee. i worry for his offsprings.
dee: tai-tai. damn smart. what more can i say? she's perfect. married to matthew.
kheng hwee: eldest daughter of eugene and ling. thus, all the gambling genes went to her. can deal cards at the speed of light. beware.
jia qiang: twin to kheng hwee. aka coach. sel-proclaimed handsome. married to candy aka mrs coach.
candy: married to jia qiang. loves candy, i mean sweets. face gets red when husband's name is mentioned.
sijia: married to marcus. can dance and dance and dance forever. got a rich daddy.
marcus: married to sijia. aka tandoori chicken. likes to hao lian his physics even though he dont take it. special ability: POWDERFUL chinese.
xinru: currently looking for husband. can run like a ostrich. very fast. like lime green a lot. special ability: glass-shattering (horrible) voice.
wuhong: black sheep of the family. likes to spends tonnes on items. despite ah beng looks, can play piano.
ziqian: dry daughter of eugene and ling. dry as a desert. can play viola. talented girl. likes to buy stickers. i like her stickers.
rui ting: daughter of matthew and dee. smart girl. got potential to be an ah ma. because she acts like one.
jia hui: cute little girl. like to play with her hair.
norman: long-lost son of matthew and dee. got much of his father's genes. which bodes bad news. got bullied by his ah gong when he was young. probably got bad childhood as a result.
ting yun: daughter of marcus and sijia. got the most bimbotic genes. probably her body is filled with it. likes pink and purple like nuts.
liqiang: twin of ting yun. son of marcus and sijia. may have absorb most of the nutrients from ting yun, which explains their sizes. can play piano quite well despite ah beng look. get along well with uncle wuhong.
anthony: son of marcus and sijia. got the bully-me look. small eyes. doesnt matter if he opens them or not. good for sleeping in lectures.
vidhya: daughter of norman. appeared from a video game which norman was playing and eating oheya at the same time.
nicholas: fag of jia qiang. got a lot of things to give when people are unhappy. happy to be of service to anyone.
elaine: family maid/ball. can be seen rolling around with ball jr. have the ability to make people laugh... at her normally.
geraldine: ball jr./grass can be seen rolling around with elaine. likes to cover her LOUD laughter with her LOUD cough.
amanda: animal identity crisis. can shift from one animal to another. dormant state: chimpanzee. special ability: DAMN GOOD chinese.
haslina: family (ghost) doctor. frequently on leave. duty time: 4am - 4am in the morning. dont know she busy doing what also.
gibson: family frog/pirahna. another one of the animal identity crisis. most probably a hybrid between a frog and a pirahna.
liyin: family shark. mostly to be our source of shark fin soup. got the ancestor aiman genes of canoeing.
jasmine: family pudge. useful ability: none. special ability: her damn BIG ego. a sign of 'beware of pudge' is put outside the family mansion to warn passerby.
shamini: family singer. tries to teach xinru to sing but fail (i can see why.) have a glass-shattering (nice) voice.
william: aka william-ge. likes to pon pe. quiet boy. family scientist. makes most of our medicine/detergent/shampoo/shower foam/etc/etc.
chia hong: family tutor. probably the only one with brain in the family. can do like everything from physics to etc.
yee xien: family sercurity guard. and a damn good one she is. our safety depends on her. or maybe not, since we have a watch-pudge.
anqi: family dog. woof! created miracles with ling on 20th may 2008. >_<
zeni: family driver. can drive from sengkang to jurong in 5 minutes. super good (and dangerous) driver.
miss shawna lim: family economist. likes to tell stories of the economy. plan all our money and stuffs.
that's all.
7:28 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
hi there.
here's the updated version of the family tree.
do tell if i miss out anyone, cause i did it based on my memory (i'm senile.)

7:47 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Monday how? any suggestions? Its a public holiday. Lets not waste it.
i dont think i want to cabal the whole day.
Too much of anything is bad, including cabal-ing.
Please update on this blog soon. haha. Any suggestions anyone? Members of the public are free to give suggestions. haha
10:02 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

9:48 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Yo people. You're all (and I mean past and present 08S04 people) cordially invited to attend 08S04 Day: Sentosa. Details are as follows.
Event: 08S04 Day - Sentosa
Venue: Sentosa
Time: 9am
Place to Meet: Vivocity
- Bring own food (i.e. picnic)
- Play ball games (bring own equipment)
- (maybe) Go for movie after that
Here's the full name list of people going.
Candy - TBC
Deva - TBC
Chia Hong - TBC
Li Qiang
Ling Ling
Kheng Hwee
Li Yin
Xin Ru
Jia Qiang
Wu Hong
Xiao Xing - TBC
Marcus - TBC
2:30 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Hey all! I've uploaded some photos on
photobucket and you can access it through the username and password that you can get from me. It's not public, you see. So you need a password. For 08S04-ers only, both past and present!
9:22 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Sorry. I can't seem to upload any photos from College Day prep on Monday. I'm looking into uploading all the photos on photobucket instead, and then you all can access the photos from there. There'll be password and the gallery will be privatised. Once I get it done, those of you who got other S04-related photos can also upload them! =)
9:30 PM